The 2016 edition Jury of the African Rethink Awards #ARA contest selected 47 finalists from 250 applications. 16 start-up represent the agri-business sector, 9 ICT, 7 environment, 5 health, 4 energy, 3 finance, 2 education and one the industrial sector. Here are their profiles. The start-up representatives will introduce their assets and projects on next october 22nd and 23rd.
AGRI-SILOE – Agri-Business – Benin – Representative : RODRIGUE LANDRY BADEDJI MAHUTI
Agri-Siloe is an enterprise that produces organic dermocosmetic oils cold extracted from morina oléifera seeds ; these oils are hypoallergenic and without additives.
Almighty Service Plus products clean coal from organic debris -sawdust, coconut shells-. It fights against deforestation by reducing charcoal and fuelwood consumption; the briquettes are marketed under the brand Cocobrain.
APISERVICES MONDE – Agri-Business – Benin – Representative : JOHN DARI
Apiservices Monde is a social purpose enterprise producing monofloral honey and beeswax while offering training in modern apiculture technique and beekeeping production management to unemployed youth.
AGROÉCOLOGIE AU SERVICE DE LA SANTÉ (A.S.S). – Agri-Business – Benin – Representative : KARIM KEKERE
A.S.S. provides agricultural entrepreneurs with an online distribution network and a communication system in order to facilitate accessibility to ecological products.
AYWAJIEUNE – ICT – Senegal – Representative : MALIK BIRANE
Aywajieune is a platform dedicated to marketisation of fishery products optimizing buy and sell operations thanks to online tools.
BEGREEN – Agri-Business – Cameroun – Reprsentative : CYNTHIA KEVY TCHOUTA LEUWAT
Begreen produces medicines that treat diseases such as headache, fever, liver disorders, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
BIO PHYTO COLLINES – Agri-Business – Benin – Representative : GILDAS ZODOME
Bio Phyto Collines is a social enterprise that mobilize natural and local resources in order to produce organic fertilizers and pesticides respectful of the environment.
COGUIAPRES – Agri-Business – Guinea – Representative : IBRAHIMA BAH
Coquiapres has developed an innovative extraction system of palm oil and promotes women’s employment in this sector
Coldhubs Limited is a social venture that designs, assembles, installs and commissions solar-powered walk-in cold rooms, in rural communities, markets and farm coops for smallholder farmers, wholesalers and retailers.
DAY ENTERPRISE SARL – Agri-Business – Congo-France – Representative : DIVIN KRISHNÉ GBALA SAPOULOU
Day Enterprise provides farmers with a set of services in management and marketisation while building a strong R&D department in order to develop technological innovations.
ECOACT TANZANIA – Environment – Tanzania – Representative : CHRISTIAN HAFIDH MWIJAGE
Ecoact Tanzania recycles plastic waste and transform them into friendly plastic lumber. This process aims at preserving forests by lowering deforestation rates and decreasing the effects of climate change.
ECONERGCO – Energy – Nigeria – Representative : SUNDAY OLUSHEYI FALAYE
Econergco helps homeowners, businesses and government organizations to meet energy savings and energy supply challenges with an integrated and comprehensive approach.
GAWANA – ICT – Kenya – Representative : AGNES NYAMBURA
Gawana is a ridesharing mobile platform in East Africa connecting travelers, allowing them to share long distance journeys and split the cost of fuel.
GLOBAL BIOTEK – Agri-Business – Togo – Representative : GAFFAN AYEWODE AMOUSSOU
Global Biotek is a start-up specialized in biotechnology development for agricultural, medical, environmental and energetical usages.
GREEN CITIES INC. – Environment – Liberia – Representative : JAMES KPADEH MULBAH
Green Cities collects, sorts and recycles plastic and organic waster, aiming to build a clean and green environment while also creating jobs for young people.
GUAVAY – Agri-Business – Tanzania – Representative : AZALIA WILLIAM KYANDO
Guavay develops the first commercial-grade producer of quality organic fertilizer in Tanzania using garden and food waste as raw material. The company also offers planting advice to farmers via SMS.
G-YEDIDIA – Industry – Rwanda – Representative : CYUSA PATRICK SEBARINDA
G-Yedidia is a chain of bakeries producing low calories sweet bread using Stevia, promoting healthy eating habits.
HADWIGER – ICT – Ivory Coast – Representative : KONAN PIERRE ESPOIR KOFFI
Hadwiger designs, develops and integrates connected mobile solutions of high-added value for applications dedicated to multiples industries -health, transportation, farming, energy-.
ISLAND BIO – Agri-Business – Mauritius – Representative : JOHN OLIVIER FANFAN
Island Bio is social entrepreneurship program based on permaculture (a technique that associates agroecology, ecological building and sustainable energies) of community gardens. The startup favors the marketing of low-priced organic products.
IT2E – Environement – Burkina Faso – Representative : SYLVAIN RAMDE
IT2E produces and markets insulation materials derived from used stiff cardboard and cotton waste; these materials reduce energy consumption of buildings and therefore the use of air conditioning.
JACIGREEN – Environment – Niger – Representative : MARIAMA MAMANE
Jacigreen produces a composted organic fertilizer from water hyacinth -a plant originally harmful to the environment. The biogas stemming from the production process is afterward converted into electrical energy.
JENAL LOTUS FOOD – Agri-Business – Ghana – Representative : JESSICA FAFANYO TEYE MENSAH
Jenal Lotus Food produces high quality and healthy whole grains cereal mix and composite baking flour to provide mass catering companies.
KWIIZIBOXi – ICT – Cameroun – Representative : BLAISE RAOUL KOM FOTSO
KwiiziBox provides academic institutions of five countries with billions of educational content through a local wireless system also acting as a communication platform.
Mafa Organic Skincare is a manufacturing company using an innovative method to produce organic coconut oil for skincare products.
MEDX E-HEALTH CENTER – Health – Cameroun – Representative : LAETITIA MONTHE TOMOBE
MEDX e-Health Center offers health services to patients through personal electronic health portal to deliver quality, access, payment security, and care coordination.
MOBILE SCHOOL – Education – Nigeria – Representative : MARTINS ALIYU
Mobile School develops the use of computer and technology as a tool for education out of the school system.
First local platform of expertise on demand, Mon Artisan is a database optimizing networking of craftsmen.
MZOUNKO – Environment – Benin – Representative : SOUROU HUGUES ARSENE TANDJE
Mzounko is an online platform based on a mobile application connecting supply and demand of waste recovery.
Natural Mosquito Repellent is a therapeutic method of malaria prevention which provides 6 hours long-lasting protection against female anopheles mosquito bite.
NEKAL POULTRY FARM – Agri-Business – Gambia – Representative : ALIEU GAYE
Nekal Poultry Farm modernizes and develops the poultry sector by equipping and training young entrepreneurs.
OASIS FUND – Finance – Ivory Coast – Representative : ELSA SHARON OURA
Oasis Fund is an African participatory financing platform. It enables individuals to support projects dedicated to development of skills and innovation in Africa.
PAYGRAY – ICT – Cameroun – Representative : HARVEY NKENG AKAH
Paygray develops an easily accessible and secured digital technology in order to facilitate the access to popular financial platforms across the African continent.
RECYMA SARL – Environment – Algéria – Representative : OMAR KHALIL MAMECHE
Recyma is specialized in waste recycling, household waste recovery and environmental sanitation.
SCoPE – Environment – Togo – Representative : APLETEVE KOMIVI GBONKOU
SCoPE has developed an online platform (#Mizâmike) of waste management, recovery and collection.
SSYAT FUNDS – Finance – Mali – Representative : FATOUMATA YATTASAYE
SSYAT Funds is a private equity fund supporting Malian SMB’s financing through venture and development capital.
TECO² – Energy – Cameroun – Representative : JEAN CALVIN NSUNFO TIAM
TECO² produces innovative and sustainable roofing materials stemming notably from recycled plastic waste. This coating enables to isolate habitats from heat.
TINDA – Finance – Congo – Representative : LAUD OBAMI MBON BEY
Tinda offers a mobile banking solution facilitating payment from mobile phone. Its platform is linked to multiple financial institutions.
TOPSIS – Education – Mauritania – Representative : CHEYAH DIAGNE
Topsis is a web platform of schooling management dedicated to teachers, pupils, parents and the administration. It offers academic support and performance monitoring to students of all academic degrees.
TRAVELER – ICT – Cameroun – Representative : ARNOLD NJI ACHIRI
Traveler is a tool monitoring the speed and location of buses. It automatically alerts drivers when they drive above recommended speed limits, and at the same time automatically alerts authorities, with the objective to make roads safer.
URBANATTIC – Agri-Business – Togo – Representative : EDNA AKOU AHIAHO
Urbanattic offers market gardening services answering both to issues of supply in urban areas and city beautification: identification of spaces, cultivation through educational and team-building programs, crop storage and marketisation in local stores and online.
VOLTATIC – Energy – Burkina Faso – Representative : DOMINIQUE BONKOUNGOU
Voltatic is an enterprise specialized in engineering and consulting supporting non-electrified rural communities by implementing cooperatives of mini solar power plants as well as a distribution network.
WAZI VISION – Health – Uganda – Representative : BRENDA KATWESIGYE
WAZI VISION provides schools with affordable eye care, effective diagnostic tests and prescriptions and manufacturing sustainable eye glasses from recycled plastic.
WEEBI – ICT – Togo – Representative : DADJA MATIASSO BASSOU
Weebi provides Dakar shops with a digital tablet that optimizes the management customers in debt.
WORTIS – ICT – France/Congo – Representative : LEZ OZAMBI
Wortis provides local stores with a cash register equipped with an information system that can be used from a smartphone, therefore facilitating commercial and marketing management as well as the monitoring of activities.
YABE – Agri-Business – Niger – Representative : YACOUBA ALFARI BONKANO
Yabe is a social purpose agro-food enterprise specialized in tomato production, optimizing harvest management and providing consumers with a sustainable and organic product.
YENNI – Health – Senegal – Representative : BOUBACAR SAGNA
Yenni offers an online health care payment system enabling diaspora members to offer consultations and medicines to their relatives located in Senegal.
ZABBAAN HOLDING – Agri-Business – Mali – Representative : AISSATA DIAKITE
Zabbaan Holding optimizes and transforms high-added value agricultural resources by and while taking into account socio-economical and environmental issues.