Who Are We ?

A think tank focused on “Africas” to reflect the change towards new development models

Founded in 2014, the think tank Land of African Business -LAB- benefits from its members expertise and opportunities of action for Africa. One of its purposes is to connect stakeholders committed to taking up the challenges of African development and growth. Thanks to its first edition during COP21, in Paris, the LAB gained a large visibility on the international stage.

The LAB assembles and sensitizes African economic, academic, associative, institutional and media players to the transformation of lifestyles and governance. The think tank, focused on a plural “Africas”, works towards the mutation of the society through sustainable and inclusive development models, contributing to growth sharing and harmony between populations.

It puts enterprise and innovation in the core of the debate, with a cross-disciplinary approach based on partnerships.


 eric  sonia


Founder of the Lab



Program Director


The Baby Lab team (the first Fab Lab in Abidjan)

Free digital manufacturing, free software and collaborative works …Three expressions to describe the Ivorian community of Baby Lab. It is the first Ivorian Fab Lab in the world directory of the foundation The Fab Foundation of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology).
Baby Lab is developing its activities in the field of electronic waste recycling, training under 16 years in computer code, electronics and robotics, application development, social innovation project management for organizations …
 obinb  diabateb  Ghislainb  edwigeb

Guiako OBIN


Abdoulaye Diabaté 


Ghislain DESSIEH

Project Manager Economy Circular 


Communications Officer 

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