
Eligibility criteria and submission of applications

The competition for the African Rethink Awards is free and open from June 9 juin to August 15th 2016 (midnight). After a first sélection, the panel will assess the finalists’ file. The ARA closing session will host the awarding ceremony, on 23 october 2016.

Click on the images below to download the application form and the ARA’s brochure. 

Capture CANDIDATE_FORM_ENG Capture formulaire ENG

The competing start-ups have to match the following criteria :

  • The start-up was created within the last 5 years;
  • The founder is less than 35 years old;
  • The founder originates from Africa or its Diaspora;
  • The start-up leads an effective implementation of a CSR policy;
  • Presentation of products/services results;
  • Innovative products/services.

Candidates must send their application form fully completed through email to the address before August 15th 2016.

Selection process and method for awarding the prizes
Registration, applications forms and business plan must be submitted before July 31st.
Once the application process closed, a pre-selection panel will go through the forms and select a shortlist of 100 projects, focusing on:

  • Sustainability and financial viability of the start-up;
  • Relevance and opportunity of the business model;
  • Capacity and growing potential;
  • Social, societal and environmental values of the start-up, and their integration in the business model;
  • Replication and exemplary abilities;
  • Economic, technological, social and environmental originality

Shortlisted start-up will benefit from : Transportation and accommodations fees during the 2 days of the ARA, free and complete access to the LAB and ARA sessions, opportunity to pitch their business model, opportunities to meet partners and participants of the ARA and to exchange on One to One sessions.

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